By Beds SU
Monday, 29 April 2024
Launch of the Bedford Campus Community Pantry
We are pleased to announce that we are now officially opening and launching a Community Food Pantry on our Bedford Campus, as of Tuesday 30 April.
Following the success of the Pantry on the Luton Campus, we are now extending a similar provision for students at Bedford.
The purpose of the Community Pantry is to support our students with the cost of living by providing short term support to students experiencing extenuating circumstances and unforeseen financial hardship.
Amina Awal, Co-Vice President, Beds SU said: "The SU is happy to bring some warmth to the Bedford campus with the launch of our [Community] pantry, catering to our students needs and giving support during the cost of living crisis."
The pantries we facilitate rely on donations for food and hygiene supplies; something that your Sabbatical Officers and SU staff team work hard to secure.
Students wishing to access the Community Pantry can do so by attending the Beds SU Helpdesk, which is on the Ground Floor in the Campus Centre building.
Opening times to attend:
Monday through to Friday 10.00-15:00.
This is a free service and students will be able to choose 8-10 items from pantry which will consist of non-perishable items, such as:
- Soup
- Pasta
- Rice
- Tinned tomatoes/pasta sauce
- Lentils, beans and pulses
- Tinned vegetables
- Biscuits
- UHT milk
- Hygiene/toiletries products- deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap etc
- Baby food and hygiene items
Note: Those accessing the food pantry are encouraged to please check all allergen information on food items and within the pantry for their own individual needs.
The Community Pantry functions as an emergency service for students. It is not intended for regular use, but our staff and advice team will provide further information about additional support available that can be accessed.
Should a student wish to access the pantry outside of the opening hours provided, we would request that you get in touch with us by e-mailing help@bedssu.co.uk.