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Staff Resources

Welcome to the Staff Resources page. On this page, you'll find links to pages, documents and slides aimed at staff members to help you communicate Beds SU messages with students.

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The page is split into four sections, each covering resources on a specific topics. The sections are: 

  • Course Reps - contains resources to support the recruitment and engagement of Course Reps
  • Student Voice - contains resources for promoting the three ways for students to get in touch
  • Student Communities - contains resources for promoting societies and networks
  • About Beds SU - contains Strategic Plan and Impact Report

Course Reps

It’s the responsibility of Course Coordinators/Leaders to ensure Course Reps are elected for each year of a course, below you will find information on the Course Rep role, the perks and training and resources to support you in carrying out Course Rep recruitment.

Course Rep Role Description

An infographic of the Course Rep role to share with students, highlighting responsibilities, commitment and skills gained.

Beds SU also has hard copies of the infographics. Contact your SEC, or use the 'get help' button to get yours.

Article on Course Rep Role

An article from the Beds SU website which explains more about the role, training, and rewards. A great article to signpost interested students to, or to include in communications.

Course Rep Elections PowerPoint

Slides you can use to promote Course Rep nominations and voting.

Course Rep Elections Comms Example

Short messages that you can copy/adapt for a BREO post or email to your cohort for Course Rep nominations, voting and announcing the winner.

Course Rep Training for Staff

Training for UoB staff who interact with Course Reps. It is structured around the Feedback Loop from the SV Framework and includes what is expected of Reps at each stage of the loop, as well as what Reps should expect from staff in terms of support.

Staff Course Rep Handbook

Handbook designed for staff with key information on the Course Rep role, how to recruit Reps and how to support them. Also includes useful faculty contacts such as the Student Engagement Coordinators.

Register Your Interest Form

Beds SU is trailing a 'register your interest form' for students to sign up to if they are interested in any of our voluntary roles. This can be used for the recruitment of Reps.

Beds SU would pass on the names of interested students to appropriate. It remains the responsibility of the staff to run the elections and confirm the Rep.

Student Voice

Hearing student feedback and ensuring this is passed on to the right people in the University/ SU is key to improving Student Voice at UoB. In this section you can read about the different ways students can feedback and the ways we resolve feedback.

3 Ways to Feedback Info Page

A one-page document on the 3 ways student can feedback to the university and how you can support student to feedback.

Rep Code of Conduct 23-24

This document sets out the rules and responsibilities that come with any Rep role at Beds SU. It also highlights the responsibilities of Beds SU, and what the process is should a Rep be removed.

Student Communities

Beds SU provides lots of opportunities for students to create their own communities at university and increase their sense of belonging. Below are some guides on what’s on offer.

Society Rep Role Description

An infographic of the Society Rep role to share with students

Academic Societies PowerPoint

A slide deck you can use to promote academic societies to your students.

FAQ on Societies- For Academics

General guide to societies, the benefits for students and your course.

Student Networks

A guide to student networks and how to encourage students to engage with these networks

About Beds SU

We are here to help every student at the University of Bedfordshire get the most out of their university experience. We campaign on issues that they care about, as well as provide lots of opportunities for them to meet new people, develop their skills, campaign for change and try something new.

About Beds SU

Our about page contains a brief introduction to Beds SU, covering what we're about and what we do.

Beds SU Induction for Staff

We have a short induction course designed for University staff to know more about Beds SU, what we do, and what we provide for students across each aspect of their student experience.

'Welcome to the Family' Video

Co-Vice President, Dylan Cox, runs through everything you need to know about Beds SU in a nutshell.

'An Introduction to Beds SU (Induction 2021/22)' Video

An in-depth introduction to Beds SU, aimed at students, for use as an induction tool.

Strategic Plan 2021-25

Our new strategy document outlines what we will do to ensure we are with all students on their student journeys: in their courses, in their student lives, in creating positive change and when they need support.

Impact Report 2021-22

We are pleased to share with you the Beds SU Impact Report for the academic year 2021/22. 

It has been a year of change and focus brought about by both our ambitions set out in previous reports and the input and support of our student community.