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Talk To Your Rep

At Beds SU, we have a team of Reps who work on our behalf to collect your feedback, whether positive or negative! They pass on the feedback in the most appropriate way in order to create positive change and a fantastic student experience!

Each Rep will focus on a different area of your student experience. This means that you always have someone to talk to depending on your feedback.

Are you interested in becoming a Rep? Click here to find out about all roles and how to apply.

List of Reps at Beds SU

  • Sabbatical Officers: There are two full-time officers (Co-Presidents), each representing different aspects of the student experience. They are 'Head Reps' who represent all of the students at the University of Bedfordshire. From October 2024 we will also have four part-time Faculty Officers based in each of our faculties.

Find out more about your Sabbatical Officers

  • Course Reps: By far our largest community of volunteers, there are over 450 SU Course Reps, which means there should be at least one for each course at the University. They collect feedback on anything related to your course, such as assessments, timetabling or placements!

More on Course Reps here.

  • Campus Reps: Did you know that at the University of Bedfordshire there are 6 campuses? And there should be a Campus Rep for each! These Reps collect feedback about your campus, such as the facilities, when it's too hot/cold and campus activities.

Extra information about who Campus Reps are.

  • Network Reps: There are 3 Student Networks at Beds SU, which you can find out more about here. Network Reps work closely with the SU to lead on and run campaigns to seek positive change, as well as organising events throughout the year.

Find out more about what being a Network Rep involves

  • Student Experience Leaders (SELs): This is a new role from the University of Bedfordshire. An SEL will be responsible for gathering and working with the feedback that they receive from SU Reps across the different schools.

Want to become a SEL? Click here for more information.

Want to get in touch with your Rep?

Please click here to access our new 'Find My Rep' tool, which will contain the details of your Reps and how to contact them. Make sure you are contacting the right kind of Rep for your feedback!