By Beds SU
Friday, 13 October 2023
What it is, support available and what we can do as individuals
The NHS informs us that it is estimated that Dyslexia affects as many as 1 in 10 people. So, what is it?
Here we’ll go over just that, as well as support available and what we can do to best accommodate those with it.
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that affects someone’s ability to understand and process information.
For students this can affect tasks such as reading, writing and spelling. It is a lifelong condition that can present challenges on a daily basis.
If you suspect that you may be showing traits of dyslexia then you can email the Health and Well-being Team (HWBT). They can provide you a dyslexia screening form for you to fill out with information about your traits. This form will then be assessed by a HWBT Advisor.
If the information provided shows traits then you will be invited for a FREE dyslexia screening. If signs of dyslexia are detected, you will then receive a diagnoses.
HWBT can also advise you on how to access a diagnoses of the condition through your GP.
For students who are already diagnosed with dyslexia, the university can provide a Learning and Teaching Support Agreement (LTSA). An LTSA outlines support a student will receive during their studies. This can include information for your lecturers to support you, extra time during exams, the option to record lectures and more. Each agreement will vary depending your condition.
The HWBT can also assist you with applying for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) if eligible. DSA can provide technology and software to assist students with their Specific Learning Difficulties, specialist one to one study skills support and other forms of help. This again depends on your condition.
For further information please see the Student Support page.
There’s also external support from charities at the bottom of the article.
There are many ways we can support others with Dyslexia in our day to day lives.
Knowing that someone with dyslexia may take more time processing information, if possible, give them time to take in what you’ve asked or shown them. This will allow them the time to understand the task or question.
It may also help to communicate with the individual through discussion rather than through email or electronic documents. Be mindful of this and don’t feel embarrassed to ask if they would prefer it.
Medium.com have a really useful article on this including points such as:
• Learn – take time to read up and become more informed
• Be patient
• Recognise that stress may make dyslexia symptoms worse
• Slow it down –ask one question at a time
You can become more informed about Dyslexia using the external links below.