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Beds SU: Celebrating a year of success!

Alongside your Sabbatical Officers we have been working hard to implement the changes you wanted to see across campuses. Read on to discover some of this years highlights.

Beds SU

By Beds SU

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

It’s been a very busy 10 months in the world of Beds SU and thanks to the help of you, our students, it’s been hugely enjoyable.

We’ve had a fantastic uptake in numbers of students attending our wide range of events but away from the social side of life, we’ve enjoyed great success in supporting students. 

In February 2023, your current four Sabbatical Officers were elected by you, the student body to continue the work of their predecessors and represent you and your views. Their remit, to get action on the issues that affect students here at UoB. 

Your feedback led to….. 

Accommodation Bedford 

At the start of October we were contacted by students who were having issues with their accommodation on the Bedford Campus. Ryan Murphy (Co-President) responded immediately and set in place a series of actions including, collating all student feedback, setting up a student forum with the University and the accommodation provider and putting students in contact with our independent Advice Team. We ensured throughout every stage of this matter students were made aware of the conversations being had and the outcomes.  The issue was dealt with quickly and those affected felt supported and heard. 

Kitchenette Aylesbury 

Students on our Aylesbury campus fed back that there were no areas where they could prepare and heat food. Working with the University we were able to arrange for a kitchenette to be installed, with microwave and fridge facilities.

Coat, Food and Starter Kit giveaways! 

In response to the cost-of-living crisis our Sabbs looked at ways to ease the strain on student finances. In November we welcomed local charity Food First onto Campus for our first ever Starter Kit giveaway. An incredible1,200 kitchen utensils were given away in just over 2 hours.

In December we held a Winter Coat giveaway in collaboration with the Nigerian Bedfordshire Community. Hundreds of coats were donated and passed on to our students to help fight off the cold. 

In March 2024, Co-Vice President Amina lobbied the University and contacted local charity, United Nations Association – Luton Branch to support our multi-campus food drive and community pantries. Over £2,500 was put towards essential supplies for students and these supplies are still being distributed across all our campuses which include emergency food packages! 

Parking petition – Bedford 

In October the University announced the implementation of car park charges on the Bedford Campus. This was met with a concern and frustration by students and their feedback to the SU was forthright. A petition was immediately raised on the SU website and over 300 students voiced their concerns. The parking restriction implementations were put back by 3 months and there is still ongoing dialogue with the University. Despite the strong stance taken by the University, charges have reduced so watch this space....

New Microwaves in Luton

Following feedback from our Luton based students, the SU were able to arrange for an extra two microwave ovens to be placed in the area next to the Metro Bar. They have been used extensively and the seating area has been utilised as a great social space to eat and meet!


March saw our Sabbs Officers deliver a fantastic one day conference for Student Reps under the the brand  'REPCON'. It was planned and executed by the Sabbs and designed to improve communication, knowledge and understanding of the role. Reps left empowered and with renewed confidence to support all their classmates and plans for a similar event in the coming year is in motion.

Period Poverty

This matter was tackled head on and your officers secured a one-off funding investment from the University to enable us to offer period products to students as required.

Events, events, events....

Over the last year students have enjoyed over 240 events, from Afrobeats, to Desibeats and Toast and Games night, Oscars film night to day time events such as Mental Health walk and picnic, Bhangra afternoon, parent/carer and children Christmas and Easter fun days as well as a number of inspiring panel and keynote speaker sessions. Thousands of you have attended and it's been great to see so many people make new friends and enjoy new experiences.

Here for you

Remember, our Sabbatical Officers are here for you and elected by you. If you have any ideas or thoughts about how to improve life at the University, get in touch and let them know!