By Beds SU
Wednesday, 15 March 2023
To celebrate Go Green Week, we’ve researched ways you can reduce your waste in small steps that make a lasting impact!
Use reusable bottles!
Swapping out single-use items for reusable ones is a sure-fire way of reducing waste and saving money.
Reusable bottles can be used for various uses, whether you’re thirsty for water, juice or need a coffee to wake up your morning. Just fill up and go on about your day.
Bringing your reusable bottle with you will also make you less likely to buy expensive beverages on-the-go. This will save you money rather than it piling up pound by pound painfully on your expenses.
The less single-use cups we use the bigger the impact we can make.
Use reusable bags too!
Similar to reusable bottles, reusable bags are a great way of reducing plastic waste and saving money in the long term.
Using a plastic bag for each shop builds up waste and many places now charge for them. There are plenty of eco-friendly cloth bag that can be repeatedly used.
The bags can even include a design you like that connects to you. Best of all, they don’t break like regular plastic bags!
And don’t just limit the eco-friendly bags use to the weekly shop. Make sure to bring it with you whenever you are browsing in case you find something you like.
Wear sustainable clothes!
Throwing away clothes is detrimental to the environment. Giving clothes extra life is a great step towards sustainability.
Consider buying used clothes from sites like Ebay, Vinted and Depop. Or you can visit the plenty of charity shops in the local area for something to wear.
You could also trade clothes that you no longer want to wear with your friends to avoid unnecessary waste.
Got any clothes you’re thinking of getting rid of? Try selling them on the same sites mentioned above. Or you can drop them off to any charity shop of your choice.
It’s rewarding knowing you’ll be adding to the sustainable cycle and put a smile on another person’s face who loves what you don’t need.
We also ran a Green Fashion show last Friday, inviting students to create clothing by recycling or up cycling materials. The wonderful clothes designed by students can be seen on our Instagram page.
Reduce paper waste by going digital
Reducing the paper you use is a great way of reducing waste.
Consider moving digital! See if your bank offers a plan to receive your statements online rather than in paper. Also consider turning to digital for reading your favourite magazines or new books. It could save you some money.
Most of the time it’s not even our fault as companies send us stuff through the post unexpectedly. If you get unwanted waste in your letterbox, talk to your local post office to sort this out.
Reduce your water usage
Water waste causes a negative impact that many of us don’t realise.
It can be in the form of a long shower, refilling a bathtub when it gets cold or leaving the tap on while brushing your teeth. We should all be mindful of our water usage.
Anglia Water gave us 100 water timers to give away and these were successfully distributed across all of our campuses!
Recycling talk from the Luton Council
On WEDNESDAY 15th, the Luton Council are coming to the Luton Campus in The Metro to talk about recycling in the area. They’ll also have FREEBIES!
More general links about sustainability
•Recyclenow – This website includes ways to reduce and re-use for a sustainable life
• WWF – include 7 ways to reduce your waste and calculate your impact with footprint calculator