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Appeals Season! Top tips for students

The important steps to take when thinking about an appeal.

Beds SU

By Beds SU

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

During this period the team is especially busy supporting students through their academic appeal so please be patient with us.  The below tips may help you and us to speed this process up, so we can help more students

1. When you email us at this will generate your own unique ticket number. Wherever possible only ever reply and respond to this ticket number. Creating new tickets will significantly slow the process down in which advisors can respond to you.

2. Whenever possible, please send your email to us from your email address, and avoid using multiple email addresses, as this can significantly delay our response time.

3. Please sign of your emails with your full name and student ID

4. Please be clear in your emails what help you are looking for; we are independent from the University so we do not have any information about you other than what you tell us in your emails.

5. If you are reaching the deadline in which your appeal is due to be submitted and you cannot connect with your advisor please email and ask for an extension. This team work closely with us and are aware of our working days and patterns etc. 

Note: Appeals must be submitted in 15 working days which does not include weekends.

6. You cannot appeal an academic judgment if you don’t understand why you received the grade you did. Please ask for feedback to gain clarity.

7. Visit our 'Get Help Guides' on our website for more information on academic appeals. For further details, check out 'What is an Academic Appeal?' on the Beds SU Helpdesk

8. Always type your appeal up electronically on the word document version as it makes it easier for advisors and appeal reviewers to read. 

Our advisors are hosting daily Advice Drop-ins, available both via Zoom and in person. You’re welcome to drop in and speak with an advisor during these times. For more details, visit our website: 

DROP-IN SESSIONS:               


10am-12pm (Luton in person/online)


1pm-3pm (Luton in person/online)


10am-12pm (Luton in person/online)

Wednesday (evenings)

4:30pm-6pm (online only)


12pm-2pm (online only)


10am-12pm (Luton in person/online)

The above drop-ins can also be accessed in person at the Luton campus. Please come to the SU Helpdesk on the Mezzanine floor G block, Campus Centre.

Full details of our drop in sessions can be found on this link