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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Plus (LGBT+) Students Network

Beds SU's Students’ Networks bring together Beds SU members with shared characteristics or experiences to amplify the voice of student communities that are widely understood to experience oppression, exclusion, or disadvantage in society. 

Each network will work with its members to provide a space for them to meet and discuss lived experiences, have events and seek change, whether this may be within the university, students union or externally.

Beds SU will support all networks and host meet ups each semester. The membership will be able to choose the direction they want the network to go in, whether that be lobbying for change, meeting to discuss lived experiences or holding social events. If you are a member and want to lead the network please do get in touch with Lisa Player at and I will be happy to meet and work with you.

Society Memberships

Free Student Membership

This free student membership will expire when you are no longer a registered University of Bedfordshire student

Expires on 31 July 2028

Society Elections
An election for these positions will be taking place soon and if interested please contact