Our Society aim
The Feminist Society exists to stimulate critical discussions surrounding the topic of feminism, and exploring how feminism presents itself in our daily lives.
Our aim is to help others understand the different branches of feminism and to educate members and the wider student community on feminist theory in a meaningful but laidback manner.
We also aim to be as intersectional as possible, considering feminism in relation to race, social class, disability and LGBTQ+ issues.
What we want to do!
- Meet like-minded people and hold regular fun themed feminist socials throughout the year.
- To hold society fundraisers and collaborate with the RaG group to raise money for charities that support and respect diverse women’s experiences (e.g. victims of domestic violence etc.)
- To run peer led and external speaker workshops, focusing on gender equality and empowerment, using a feminist lens to learn about and address a variety of local and global issues.
- Raising awareness and promoting powerful campaigns, supporting a range of issues we are passionate about, to create opportunities to make change.
Follow us on Instagram @bedssufemsoc for updates, event announcements, and feminist content!
Free Student Membership
This free student membership will expire when you are no longer a registered University of Bedfordshire student
Expires on 31 July 2028