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Environmental Society

The Environmental Society is about people and the environment. We’d like to make a change, locally and globally, on how we interact with the surroundings. Documentaries like 'Blue Planet 2' and 'Drowning in Plastic' have shown a light on how our actions affect the environment we live in. With repercussion felt by humans, animals, and ecosystems globally, being conscious of our actions are becoming more prevalent.
Our meetings shall discuss, current environmental factors that affect society and how we can change them for the better; how we can implement simple changes in our day to day life, and how economics changes because of climate change.
Through articles, presentations, and documentaries, we want to educate ourselves and become more self-aware of our daily impact. We’d like to create a community, where everyone feels welcome, and where ideas can be discussed.

Society Memberships

Free Student Membership

This free student membership will expire when you are no longer a registered University of Bedfordshire student

Expires on 31 July 2028

Discord User?

Great news! We've set up a Discord channel for this group so you can chat online to other like-minded members. It's easy to join so what are you waiting for…

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