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Course Rep Hub


A big congratulations and welcome to all new, and returning, Course Reps for the Academic Year 2023-2024!

This is your Course Rep Hub. This page will be updated by your Student Engagement Coordinators, Hannah and Lisa, throughout the year, so you always have access to the latest news, events, resources and training.

Let's Get to Know Each Other!

Beds SU and it's Course Reps are one big team, that's why we think it is important that we get to know each other! Use the form below to tell us more about yourself, such as your preferred name (if you have one) and email address. Want to know more about Beds SU? Click here.

Jump to a section

The page contains a variety of information that we believe you will find useful during your time as a Course Rep.

  • Training - we want you to feel supported and confident in your role as a Course Rep. This is why we have decided to make training mandatory. This section explains more about what to expect from training, when it takes places and how you can complete it.
  • Useful Resources - from feedback forms and links, to the Rep Handbook. Here you will find practical resources that you can use to feedback, find guidance or find out more about your role and expectations.
  • Get Involved - did you know that we are running a Course Rep Award Scheme this year? Learn more about this, as well as the volunteering award and how to become a part of the WhatsApp groups in this section.
  • Events - Throughout the year, Beds SU will hold a number of day-time and night-time events. Events listed here are ones specially for Course Rep. If you'd like to see all of our events, please click here.
  • Surveys - Beds SU always wants to hear from you! We run several surveys throughout the year (most of which include a prize!) and you can find all current surveys here.
  • Your Student Engagement Coordinators (SECs) - the two people in charge! Find out who they are, what they do and when you might want to contact them.


Course Rep training is mandatory because we want you to feel best prepared throughout the year. That is why we have created a number of flexible training options, meaning there is something for everyone.

Become a More Confident Rep

We offer Reps 3 different ways in which they can complete training.

  1. In-person
  2. Online (on Zoom)
  3. Through an online platform (which you can complete in your own time)

The training covers topics such as:

  • What is feedback and how to collect it
  • Advice on setting boundaries and expectations
  • Attending meetings
  • How to get support

For more details on the in-person and online sessions, please see below events or visit our main page here.

For training on our platform, please click below.

Useful Resources

Over the last year, Beds SU has been developing a number of resources that Course Reps have told us they would find useful.

  • Feedback Types - a decision tree for identifying what is 'personal' feedback. Also a flowchart containing who to contact depending on what it's about.
  • Beds SU Feedback Form - for when you are submitting feedback to the SU. We recommend doing this even if you have everything under control! It allows us to keep track of activity and promote positive change.
  • Meeting Feedback Form - can't attend a meeting? It is still vital that the voice of yourself and your peers is heard. Download, fill in and send off this form to a meeting or lecturer. Or use as a prompt!
  • Course Rep Handbook - contains everything you may possible need throughout the year, including the feedback loop, other Reps and how to get support.
  • Useful Contacts - containing the names and email addresses for teams across the University and the SU depending on what the feedback / issue is. Please don't email everyone at once!
  • Rep Code of Conduct - the rules and responsibilities that come with any Rep role at Beds SU, as well as what you can expect from us.

Are we missing something? If you'd like to see a resource that we don't currently have, please get in touch!

Get Involved

Being a Course Rep should be engaging and rewarding. Below are some of the ways we say thank you, and support the Course Rep community.

  • Course Rep Award Scheme - get involved as much, or as little as you like! Complete tasks in each stage to receive a reward...
  • UoB Volunteering Scheme - log your volunteering hours with the University to receive an award at the end of the year.
  • WhatsApp Groups - we've got a group for that! Course Reps from each School will have their own chat as well as a general chat for all.



Tue 8 Oct, 12:00

Metro - G Block Luton

Tue 15 Oct, 12:00

Aylesbury Campus

Thu 17 Oct, 12:30

Metro - G Block Luton


We always want to know what you think.

What Do You Think?

Beds SU is run for the students, by the students! 

Therefore we will often ask for your opinion or perspective on issues or changes.

Usually, the easiest way of gathering a large amount of opinions is through a survey, and that is why you will frequently see us asking you to fill something out!

All of our active surveys will appear below. And for most of them, you will be entered in for a prize draw once you submit!

Student Engagement Coordinators

Lisa Player

Lisa Player

Hi everyone!

I'm Lisa, my pronouns are she/her and I work with the faculties of Business (UBBS) and English Education and Sport (EES).

I have been at Beds SU for 2 years now and my proudest achievement so far has been working with the outer lying campuses.

Myself and my colleague hold a joint weekly office hour. This is now on pause until the next academic year. We will post details of our new office hour in the summer. If you would like to share feedback in the meantime, please email us at

Hannah Tongue

Hannah Tongue

Hello Everyone!

I’m Hannah, my pronouns are she/her. I work with the faculties for Creative Arts, Technologies & Sciences, and Health & Social Sciences.

I have only recently started at Beds SU and am enjoying finding my way around.

Myself and my colleague hold a joint weekly office hour. This is now on pause until the next academic year. We will post details of our new office hour in the summer. If you would like to share feedback in the meantime, please email us at