By Beds SU
Monday, 3 February 2025
Beds SU stands against Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence and stands with survivors.
The aim of this designated awareness week is to highlight and challenge the issues of sexual abuse and violence by encouraging safe discussions, challenge unsafe societal norms, stereotypes and misconceptions.
Why is this important and why do we need a designated week?
Over the last 10 years there has been an increase in sexual assault. The Crime Statistics for England & Wales (CSEW) showed that for the year end of March 2024, there was an estimated 2.6% of people aged 16 to 59 years had experienced sexual assault (including attempted offences) in the last year compared with 1.5% in the year end of March 2014.
Those who experience sexual abuse and sexual violence can be of any gender, sex, ethnicity, age or sexuality.
It is time to start talking: We want our students to know that they have a right to feel safe and that there are support options available to them if they want.
If you or somebody you know is at immediate risk, please always call 999 to connect to the emergency services
Your Students’ Union Support:
Our Beds SU Advice Service offers confidential and impartial advice on various matters within your university experience (both academic and personal), including advice on reporting procedures, support at meetings and useful signposting to specialist services for further advice and support.
Your University of Bedfordshire Support:
The University has a zero tolerance of any forms of sexual violence or harassment (in person and online).
Support & Report: Is the University’s centralised point of contact for students and staff to share their concerns about any offensive, threatening or anti-social behaviour, on or off campus.
This reporting tool enables confidential and anonymous reporting of incidents to specific senior members of staff who will initiate referral to relevant teams and offer appropriate support, ensuring any follow-up is carried out as necessary.
You can raise concerns about the following:
- Sexual assault, harassment or disclosure of other unacceptable or unsafe behaviours
- Bullying
- Racism/Hate Crime
- Fraud/Scams
For further information on Support & Report and how to contact, see this link:
The University also has specially trained staff members, known as Sexual Assault & Sexual Harassment (SASH) responders, who can provide support to students who have or are experiencing concerns of abuse or violence, as well as other support options, through Student Support, such as mental health and counselling provisions.
Support outside of the University:
Sexual assault referral centres: These services provide a safe space and dedicated care for anyone who has experienced rape, sexual assault and/or abuse. They can offer emotional support, crisis and medical care, as well as support with emergency contraception and sexual health.
To find your nearest centre, please see the NHS webpage
Support services and charities:
Rape Crisis- A charity that works to end rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, child sexual abuse and forms of sexual violence.
Women’s Aid- A national charity that seeks to support women and child from abuse.
Victim Support- A charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic experiences.
Galop- Work with LGBTQ+ survivors of abuse and violence.
The Halo Project- Seek to tackle forced marriages and support those experiencing so-called honour-based violence.
Survivors UK- Support male and non-binary survivors of sexual violence.
Useful articles:
Reporting sexual abuse and sexual violence to the Police
What to do if you see sexual violence or someone discloses, they have been sexually assaulted
Supporting a friend or loved one who has experienced sexual abuse and sexual violence
Sexual harassment in the workplace
Awareness Stalls
To highlight student awareness of this week, the Beds SU Advice service will be facilitating awareness stalls this week to promote options of support available to students.
The idea of this is to empower students to know their options of what help is available if they are a survivor of sexual abuse and/or violence.
We would also like to encourage all students to individually challenge and educate themselves on the matter to be positive allies in this campaign against harm.