By Beds SU
Thursday, 23 May 2024
All student unions are established via a legal document referred to as a Governing Document (e.g. a constitution).
As a charity, Beds SU is required to have a committee of trustees, who are legally responsible for ensuring we are achieving our purpose for students.
The committee of trustees is made up of students who are elected and appointed, and by experienced non-students who are appointed through a selection process.
The elected student trustees comprise your Full-Time Sabbatical Officers and the appointed student trustees are current students who are appointed as part of a selection process where all current students are eligible to apply.
From July there will be two fewer Full-Time Sabbatical Officers and therefore two fewer elected trustees.
Proposal to Student Members
In light of the above changes the current board of Trustees have set out the following proposal for consideration by students here at UoB.
The proposal aims to ensure student participation in the governance of the students’ union and increase the number of trustee positions open to students; offering additional opportunities for students to engage with their students’ union in a voluntary capacity and develop their experience as company members of Beds SU. As well as, enhancing the SU’s connection with Luton and Bedford communities.
The current Trustees propose:
- The number of appointed student trustees increases from two to four;
- New provisions to extend the term of office of student trustees from one to two years, and stagger terms to enhance experience among the trustees; and,
- To create a new, optional trustee category for a Community Trustee who is a member of a recognised community group in Luton or Bedford.
Proposal Overview:
Current Board of Trustees:
• 4 x Sabbatical Trustees (1 year)
• 2 x Student Trustees (1 year)
• 4 x External Trustees (3 years)
• 1 x University Trustees (3 years)
Proposed New Board of Trustees:
• 2 x Sabbatical Trustees (1 year)
• 4 x Student Trustees (2 years)
• 4 x External Trustees (3 years)
• 1 x University Trustee (3 years)
• 1 x Community Trustee (3 years)
Invitation to students
Based on the above information students are welcome to propose amendments to this proposal before it is voted upon by students from Thursday 6 June.
You can email any alternative proposals to help@bedssu.co.uk
Voting on the proposal will form part of the Annual Members Consultation (AMC) and the forthcoming Beds Life annual survey. You can find all details on the AMC here.