By Beds SU
Friday, 23 August 2024
Beds SU is run by students for students and this is your opportunity to be one of our Student Leaders for academic Year 2024/25.
Faculty Officer (4 positions, one for each Faculty, Part time paid)
Campus Rep (5 positions, one for each of the following campus'; Aylesbury, Bedford, Birmingham, London Bridge, Milton Keynes. Part time voluntary)
Network Champions (6 positions, 2 for each of the networks. Part time voluntary)
What are Faculty Officers?
Faculty Officers are a new role this year and will work with the current Presidents to be the voice of students within the Faculty. Paid to work up to 20 hours a week alongside your studies you will be supported by our Student Engagement Coordinators and the wider SU team to deliver on your tasks. For more information please read the Job Description below.
For more information please contact elections@beds.ac.uk.
What are Campus Reps?
There are 5 Campus Rep positions available one for each of the following campus'; Aylesbury, Bedford, Birmingham, London Bridge, Milton Keynes. In order to stand and vote for these roles you must be studying at that campus. As a voluntary role, the you will spend your time gathering feedback and working to make life better for the students on your campus. Each Campus Rep will be supported by members of staff from Beds SU. There are monthly online meetings that we would ask you to attend as part of your Campus Rep role on Scrutiny Committee.
For more information please contact elections@beds.ac.uk.
What are Network Champions?
There are three Liberation Networks and each of those Networks needs two students to Champion them. The Network Champion is a voluntary role, you would make sure Beds SU and the University consider your network in everything that they do, lobbying for change and growing your network. There are monthly meetings that we would ask you to attend as part of your Network Champion role on Scrutiny Committee.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, plus (LGBT+) Network Champion, 1 reserved position for a self identifying Trans student and 1 non reserved position available for any student in the network.
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Network Champion, 1 reserved position for a self identifying BAME Woman student and 1 position for a self identifying BAME Man/Non Binary student.
Student with Disability Network Champion, 1 reserved position for a self identifying student with a hidden disability and 1 reserved position for a self identifying student with a visible disability.
For more information please contact elections@beds.ac.uk.
What are NUS Reps?
The role of NUS Rep is no longer being elected within this election. Beds SU will be letting the student body know what is happening with this after we have dealt with the current elections.
Change to Deputy Returning Officer.
Due to our normal Deputy Returning Officer(DRO) being on leave for most of the run up to the election, the Deputy Returning Officer for this election will be Amy McLaughlan, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Membership Services. As in previous elections the DRO can be contacted via the elections@beds.ac.uk email address.
Notice of Elections.
Nominations Open Monday 2 September 10:00
Nominations Close Friday 27 September 10:00
To nominated yourself, log on to the website and click on your account then election dashboard and follow the signage.
Candidate Question Time will be held online, viewable through our social media or linked through our website, each day will host a different set of elections candidates for the different roles at 12:30 daily Monday 7 October -Thursday 10 October.
The Elections Rules and Regulations can be found by clicking the below button
Voting Opens Thursday 3 October 10:00
Voting Closes Thursday 10 October 18:00
Results to be announced Friday 11 October 16:00 online, viewable through our website.
Any Elections queries please contact elections@beds.ac.uk
Keen to find out more?
Each of the roles opens for nominations on Monday 2 September so you can go to your account on the website and then select the Elections Dashboard, you would then need to select the role that you are interested in.
if you still have any questions please contact elections@beds.ac.uk.