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Ramadan 2023

This Thursday marks the first day of Ramadan!

Beds SU

By Beds SU

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

From all of us at Beds SU, we wish you a happy Ramadan.

Ramadan is here! We’ll go through what it’s all about, point you in the direction of helpful resources and outline the FREE local Luton Iftar event.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar. It is a month of fasting observed by Muslims around the world. Those partaking in Ramadan abstain from food, drink and impure thoughts starting at the hours of sunrise (Fajr) and break the daily fast at sundown (Iftar).

Other than fasting, acts of worship such as prayer, reading the Qur’an and giving to charity are encouraged during Ramadan.

2023’s Ramadan begins on Thursday 23nd March its end is marked by Eid al-Fitr which is expected to be celebrated on the evening of Friday 21st April.  You can find out specific timings for cities across the UK on the Ramadan timetable which has been created on the Islamic Relief website.

Why fasting?

Fasting (Sawm) during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The Five Pillars of Islam are told in the Qur’an and are core practices all Muslims should follow.

Fasting is expected by all able Muslims but there are some exemptions: such as young children, pregnant women, those with health complications, travelling and the elderly.

For Muslims, fasting is a means of worship and a way to feel a deeper connection with Allah. It also encourages Muslims to feel compassion for those less fortunate around the world.

Zakat donations

Zakat is an obligatory act of charity and like fasting, is another one of the Five Pillars of Islam.

Muslims are not restricted to only donate on the month of Ramadan but during the period, donating Zakat is said to give more blessings and reward to the donor than usual.

The amount of Zakat you need to pay is calculated at 2.5% of all total wealth that exceed the Nisab threshold. You can calculate your Zakat online.

Luton's Big Iftar

We are delighted to offer registered UoB students FREE tickets to Luton’s Big Iftar event.

People of all faith backgrounds and none are invited to share food and good company right in the centre of Luton town.

Join fellow students and members of the public at St George’s Square in Luton on Friday 31st of March from 5pm to 8pm.

Tickets are limited and on a first come first serve basis.

So don’t miss out! Book your ticket here!

Resources about Ramadan

The Muslimah Society – Get involved with our student’s society this Ramadan.

Muslimhands – More information about Ramadan

Muslim Council of Britain– Resources on Ramadan and Islam in the Britain

Islamic Relief – This charity provides plenty of resources on Ramadan, Islam and takes donations.