By Beds SU
Wednesday, 8 May 2024
As part of our Mental Health Week plans here at Beds SU we are offering a 3-hour session for individuals to come, relax, draw and paint on Thursday 16 May, 2-5pm in the Metro, Luton. You can stay for however long or as little as you wish and you don’t have to be skilled in painting or drawing to enjoy the benefits of this activity. However, you can also practice this form of mindfulness wherever you are and below we have included links to get you started.
How can doodling, painting support you well-being?
According to an article on Blackwing (and artist based organisation) there are five benefits to drawing and doodling.
1. Unlock you creativity and activate your brain. By simply picking up a pen, pencil, paint brush you can unleash you creativity and “stimulate new pathways” in your brain that will support new ways of creative-thinking and problem solving whilst giving yourself a moment to pause and create something.
2. Drawing itself is a form of meditation and by committing some time, no matter how small, promotes a sense of balance.
3. Have you ever found yourself ‘doodling’ while in class, a meeting, whilst working on an assignment? You may like some think this is mindless, a waste of time, a lack of concentration but it is according to Blackwing the opposite:
“Doodling can help induce what scientists call the “flow” state. During the process, you become fully engaged with the project at hand. This increased concentration can help push away any distractions or negative thoughts that you may be experiencing.”
4. Drawing can be likened to learning a new language as it offers you a different way in which to communicate your emotions. As a result drawing mindfully can offer an expressive, word free way of understanding your feelings.
5. Blackwall’s article also backs up the theory that art can reduce stress and anxiety:
“Art therapy is a common and effective practice. It is scientifically proven that engaging with art reduces stress and anxiety. Putting pencil to paper allows you to control what is being created. When you create something, your body releases dopamine, activating the reward centers of your brain. This sense of achievement and accomplishment can help alleviate some amount of stress that you may be feeling.”
If you can join us on Thursday 16 May we hope you recognise some of the above benefits from participating. If you are unable to attend then why not take a look at some of the below online FREE resources from printable mindful pictures to some video tutorials to get you started.
Between Sessions offers a variety of printable patterns to colour along with an overview of how to set up your space and how to focus on your breathing as you participate in this lovely activity
The Wellness Society offers some beautiful colouring sheets with mindful quotes
Twinkl offers colouring patterns for all ages and can be a lovely activity to do with children.
Mel Rye shares tips on how to create your own mindful drawing patterns in a series of YouTube tutorials.
On Mindful Muse practice 5 minute mindful art and affirmations.