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Elections October 2024: Nominate now!

Beds SU is run by students, for students.We have begun our search for the next group of student leaders who will lead the organisation through the 2024/25 academic year. The nomination period started on 2 September so read on to find out more...

Beds SU

By Beds SU

Monday, 2 September 2024

We are looking for nominations for four exciting roles and they each offer a fantastic chance to make a difference to student life!

  • Faculty Officer (4 positions, one for each Faculty, Part time paid)
  • Campus Rep (5 positions, one for each of the following campus'; Aylesbury, Bedford, Birmingham, London Bridge, Milton Keynes. Part time voluntary)
  • Network Champions (6 positions, 2 for each of the networks. Part time voluntary)
  • NUS Reps (4 positions, Part time voluntary)*

*subject to NUS governance changes

You can nominate yourself for any of the roles and you can find out more about them on this link

If you are interested in making a nomination you can do so on this link but hurry, because nominations close on Friday 27 September at 10:00.

"Please note, you will need to log in to make a nomination.