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Planning an Event

We want to encourage our societies to hold events, activities and go on trips, whether it is to fundraise, raise awareness, attend conferences or anything else that benefits your society.

What do we need to know from you?

  • If non-society members are attending the event
  • If any externals are attending (external speakers, external students, plus ones)
  • If you are going off-campus
  • If you are holding an online event or regular online meetings

How much notice do you need to give us when planning your society trip/event/activity/meetings?

A Trip/Event form needs to be submitted at least 7 working days before your event


15 working days before your event if external speakers are coming (An external speaker is anyone who does not have a membership for your society)

You can start your Trip/Event Form and then come back to it at a later date.

What details will you need to include on the Trip/Event form?

  • Your details and your society details
  • If it's a Trip, Event or an External Speaker attending a society meeting, or Society members only
  • Trip/Event Details (When, Where (e.g. a room on campus, a Beds SU Venue or an external venue), What, Proposed Numbers)
  • Budget - Is any funding needed?
  • Risk Assessment - We will discuss any potential risks with you when we book a meeting to review your form details with you. We will then compile a risk assessment for your society, which is a mandatory requirement, to ensure students are covered by our insurance for any activities/events/meetings and trips etc.
  • Event Publicity - Please ensure any publicity you wish to use has a  Beds SU logo on it, and it is approved by Beds SU before you distribute it - logos can be requested at
  • External Speaker Information

Complete the Trip/Event Form (Form coming soon)

What Happens next?

  • We will contact you to arrange a meeting and review/discuss your submitted Trip/Event form
  • If approved, then it can go ahead as long as all the required information is in place prior to anything taking place
  • We can promote your Trip/Event/Activity/Meetings on your society page, which will also populate the Beds SU Events page
  • Depending on how much notice we have, we can promote any activity to the society general membership and may be able to include details in a student email if there is enough notice

What else do you need to know?

  • A Beds SU staff member will be present at every society meeting, event, or any other society activity for the purpose of attendance monitoring.
  • Please note that student ID will be required to attend any society meetings, events or other activities.
  • Non-members attending any society meetings, events or any other activities, will need to have pre-registered in advance, and will be refused admission if they turn up without having pre-registered.
  • We collect data so we can understand what students are attending our events. This data will be held anonymously and will never be used to identify an individual. For further information please refer to our Privacy policies on our website.