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Archived Petitions

Your Ideas. Your University. Your changes.

These are the petitions that have gone through the voting progress but have not passed.


Beds SU believes that a basic holistic Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the University of Bedfordshire as a whole (the provider) and its students (the customers) should be instated, to ensure that a high standard of academic, administrative and welfare support is available to enrolled students on all courses and across all UoB sites.
Date created
Nov 8, 2023
Last Update
Jul 2, 2024
Beds SU believes the University of Bedfordshire should reduce unnecessary printing to lower the institution’s environmental impact.
Date created
Nov 8, 2023
Last Update
Jun 6, 2024
Beds SU believes that the UoB should commit to implementing a designated BME scheme within its student support service, as well as commit to hiring black staff to ensure that black UoB students feel adequately represented in a space that often alienates them.
Date created
Nov 8, 2023
Last Update
May 31, 2024
Beds SU believes the University of Bedfordshire (UoB) should carry out more stringent auditing and reviewing of assessment and feedback practices (as outlined in the UoB CRe8 framework) – as well as provide greater opportunities for student-staff liaison over assessment and feedback – in order to maximize the extent to which assessments enable students to achieve the necessary knowledge and skills described in their programme’s intended learning outcomes. Further still, learning resources – including the digital examination environment (Wiseflow) and preparatory materials such as lecture slides – must be improved to give students the best chance for success in assessments and examinations.
Date created
Nov 8, 2023
Last Update
Feb 23, 2024
Beds SU believes that all University of Bedfordshire campuses should be well-resourced with suitable facilities for teaching and learning.
Date created
Nov 8, 2023
Last Update
May 13, 2024
Beds SU believes we should work with the University to reach the guidelines published by UK Universities in 2020 and work proactively to eliminate instances of racial harassment from University.
Date created
Nov 8, 2023
Last Update
Nov 8, 2023
Beds SU wishes to change the approach we take on accessibility to benefit as many students as possible. We feel that to do this, in as positive, aspirational and co- ordinated way as possible, we need to change the narrative that we currently rely upon. We therefore wish to see the social model of disability accepted as an approach at a university wide level and applied to identifying students with disabilities and addressing issues of accessibility that students face. We feel it is important to increase the number of students identified as having disability or accessibility issues, by allowing students to self-identify as disabled, as it will help us to tell more stories and give a clearer picture of the barriers faced by students.
Date created
Nov 8, 2023
Last Update
Nov 8, 2023
Beds SU believes to see purposeful and meaningful change made at the University of Bedfordshire to reduce the BAME awarding gaps. We have outlined above the objectives we feel are needed in order for this to be achieved. We wish to work constructively with the University of Bedfordshire to achieve these aims and feel that our objectives are reasonable, affordable and achievable for any institution who genuinely wishes to reduce these gaps.
Date created
Nov 8, 2023
Last Update
Nov 8, 2023